Anesthesia & ICU

The Department of Anesthesiology at Sidra Kuwait Hospital plays an important role in ensuring adequate pain relief for patients undergoing complex and simple procedures. The department follows the highest standards of patient care, as our medical team performs a thorough evaluation before any surgery.

Based on the latest and most advanced equipment, each case is carefully analyzed with the aim of determining the optimal level of comfort that suits each patient’s condition across different age groups. The scope of our anesthesia practice includes surgeries that are performed on specific areas of the body, whether precise or comprehensive, according to internationally recognized standards.

Services and treatments

  • Treating any anesthesia-related complications such as nausea, vomiting, or feeling cold
  • Anesthesia for caesarean section under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia (back needle)
  • Complete control of pain with intravenous analgesics, an electronic pump, or an epidural anesthesia catheter
  • Accurate assessment of the patient’s condition before surgery, including review of all laboratory tests, x-rays, and others
  • Accompanying the patient all the time from entering the operating room until entering the recovery room after the end of the operation
  • Giving safe anesthesia and monitoring the patient’s vital signs throughout the surgery and inside the recovery room
  • Controlling the pain of natural childbirth with various analgesics or an epidural. Treating critically ill patients in the intensive care unit
  • Requesting a consultation with a cardiologist or internal medicine specialist to control high sugar or blood pressure so that the patient is in the best condition before the surgical intervention, giving medications that prevent vomiting, nausea and tension before the patient goes to the operating ward

Our Doctors

  • Dr. Wael Muhammad

    Anesthesia Consultant
  • Dr. Basil Fares

    Anesthesia Specialist
  • Dr. Ezzat Salem

    Anesthesia Doctor
  • Dr. Sherif Hassan

    Anesthesia Specialist
  • Dr. Amira Ismail

    Anesthesia Doctor
  • Dr. Usama Kozman

    Anesthesia Doctor